How it works
Find a School
Find your child's school using the search engine

Select the Grade
Select your child's grade to access the complete list of school supplies required by the school.

Choose Products
Customize your list and add products to your cart.

Complete Your Order
Complete your order and wait. Your order will be delivered as soon as it is completed!

Stress-free ordering
Do the crowds of parents in the stores make you dizzy? Have you gone on vacation and forgotten to buy your children's school supplies? Relax and order your school supplies wherever you are, whenever you want.

Choose the right products
Do you spend hours wondering about the difference between the wide range of pens available in stores?
We've done the work for you. All our lists have been validated by schools, ensuring that each product selected will meet the requirements of your child's school and teachers.
Customize your lists
Are some of last year's items still in good condition? No problem, just choose the products you need!
Would you like to refurbish your pencils for the home, or add products for another member of the family? No problem, just add any product from our store to personalize your order!
Find productsWe're here to help!
Do you have questions or need help ordering school supplies? Our team is here to help.